Friday, May 25, 2007

A Good Day In The Neighbourhood

At the request of our friend Harry, we gathered the kids and Moms together for a group picture. Here's some during and after footage:

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Picture Updates

Additional 6-7 year old pictures added here.

Of recent note:

- Whenever Kieran and Malcolm are arguing these days, one of them claims something about the other and then the immediate response is always "No, you don't know my life!"

- Kieran and Malcolm joined Pearce, Thomas, Jacob, Scott and David (Scott's little brother) for a playdate at Pearce's place. Mayhem ensued.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Events of April 2007

A random set of memories from April:

- Kieran has started his 6 week Power Soccer session with Malcolm, Thomas, Grant and Cameron (and others). Each session is on Saturday at 1:00PM and lasts for an hour and a half (indoor gym facility). Though it's a long time to spend for him playing soccer, he's actually improved and has started going for the ball during the small 3 on 3 games they play. He's pretty good defensively and blocks a few shots. He managed to score 3 goals during one session (no goalies) and that seemed to give him a good deal of confidence. He's really trying hard...

- Started T-Ball on the 17th. His coaches (Dave and I) are incredibly relieved to have 5 girls on the team of 12. A vast improvement on the 15 boys (and no girls) of last year's team. Kieran had a good first at bat and kinda lost focus on the second trip up, but he was a bit more focused while in the field and managed to get a couple of balls that rolled his way.

- On Sunday the 22nd we went to see "The Three Musketeers" as part of the Sprockets Film Festival for Children. It's was a decent animated telling of the story (animated in the same way those old Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer CBS specials were) and Kieran got a number of giggles from it. Especially when people fell down or bonked themselves (that's his Mommy's sense of humour coming through - pratfalls are apparently the funniest thing ever...). Of course, we went to see the film with Malcolm.

- After the movie, there was a long playdate outside with Andrew and Danielle joining in. Kieran and Andrew got into a basketball game and Kieran was actually holding his own with Andrew (each one taking turns shooting baskets). Kieran was using my full size basketball (underhand style) and at one point was tied 100-100 with Andrew (who is 3 years older).

- The Star Wars obsession continues. Having watched Episodes I and II in vast amounts, he is now going through the mini-documentaries on the bonus discs. Occasionally he'll even watch a specific one of the 8-9 minute documentaries twice in a row (for example the one comparing Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi to Alec Guiness' or the one called "Buckethead" about Jango and Boba Fett). We've even viewed the easter egg outtakes.

- While squirting the driveway with his Supersoaker the other day, he said "I'm being a concept artist!"

Kieran's Summer of 2006

Found this in one of my logs and thought it would be good to post here. A random set of things Kieran got up to last summer:

July 1st

- Fireworks with Meme and Grandpa on our street

July 3rd

- First visit to the CN Tower
- Lunch in revolving restaurant
- Walked on glass floor and looked straight down with no concerns
- Loved the fast elevator rides

July 4th

- Zoo trip with Stefanie, Erika, Ryan and Adam
- Zoomobile rides, splash park fun and we got caught in a rainstorm
- First soccer game with the Cougars earlier that day
- Kieran played goal for half the game and his team won 2-1

July 5th

- Full day play date with Jacob

July 6th

- Full day play date with Andrew and Danielle
- First full viewing of Star Wars (A New Hope)

July 8th

- Yonge St. Festival. We met up with Grant
- We also dropped off his remaining Birthday party invitations

July 9th

- Kieran did all his own packing for our week's vacation at Bayview Wildwood
- Watched some of the World Cup final with Daddy
- Left for Bayview Wildwood around 3:30


- Vacation at Bayview Wildwood
- Went with Stefanie and Erika
- Met Nicholas and Catherine
- Playground
- Morning camps (Space Day, Pirate Day, etc.)
- Evening shows (singing/dancing, magic show, snake show, wildlife show, waterskiing show)
- Buffet breakfast, lunch and dinners
- Leather wristband creation
- Fishing contest
- Swimming in the pool EVERY day
- Crazy jumping in with Nicholas (yelling as they jumped silly thing like "asiago cheese!", "Lemony Snicket!", "Take that you brute!", etc.)
- Day one --> jumping in apprehensively with life jacket
- Day three --> jumping in more easily with water wings and swimming with them (also holding breather while looking in water with goggles)
- Day six --> jumping in without anything! Long jumps and then solo swimming and floating on his own for first time
- Watching Road Runner with Stefi and Erika and giggling (also a few songs from "Singin' In The Rain")
- Talent show --> singing to The Lion King with other 6-8 year olds

July 16th

- Acquired Hypno glasses, Galaxy Slime, first Piraka, two Lego racers and an alligator key chain with red light in mouth
- Backyard swimming with Andrew and Danielle (much hilarity).

July 17th

- First day at Bright Horizons. Stefi and Erica were there too and a happy reunion with Ryan and Adam.

July 18th

- Another soccer game. A 4-0 loss this time.

July 22nd

- Malcolm's birthday party. Big jumping castle in his backyard, but it rained for the whole party from 10:30-12:30. Still had lots of fun indoors with the gang (friends of Malcolm's who will be in Kieran's Grade 1 class next year).
- We stayed around after the party and jumped in the castle for a bit (rain had stopped). Gabrielle and Samuel came by. Andrew and Danielle came by. Heather and her Mom Jane came by again after being at the party. Turned into an entire day long party. Jack and Nicholas also came by with their parents. Castle jumping, rocket shooting, swing set playing, etc. Dave made pasta for everyone and the party ended when the castle went away around 9:30 PM.

July 23rd

- Visited Aunt Jeanne in Mississauga. Kieran's first meeting with Aunt Terry. He also got to see his cousin Jake again and meet his older second cousins Matthew, Alan and Sarah (?). Built big city with Jake indoors.

July 24th

- Kieran's birthday! Opened his presents in the morning (got a Darth Vader Transformer, Short Round Transformer, Thok Piraka, Lego racer and a few miscellaneous items).
- Went out to Pickle Barrel that night for a birthday dinner with Malcolm. We bought all the small Pooh Bears for his upcoming party loot bags and Malcolm and Kieran each got an extra one.

July 25th

- Another soccer game and another 2-1 win. Kieran started to play a bit more. Played nets again for a shift.

July 28th

- Meme arrives for Kieran's birthday party weekend
- Malcolm sleeps over at Kieran's house! After a good bath together they slept in the same bed (Dida's room) the whole night except for a brief wake at 4:45 due to a Malcolm nightmare.

July 29th

- Greg and Nelson come by for BBQ

July 30th

- Kieran's birthday party! Fourteen 5-7 year olds running around Playground Paradise and then having lunch with Darth Vader masks. Five minor injuries during play, but overall great time for everyone.
- Lengthy play session with Malcolm after getting back. Opened presents and built a few Lego models and played outside with new Super soakers. Favourite present might be the Star Wars Transformers Han Solo and Chewbacca who together transform into the Millenium Falcon.

August 4-7

- Spent weekend in New York City at the Parker Meridien hotel
- Swam in rooftop pool with great view of city
- Went to FAO Schwarz toy store
- Went to the Apple store (a big glass cube)
- Walked through Central Park to the American Museum of Natural History (saw some dinosaur bones)

August 11

- Sleepover at Malcolm's house (first sleepover away from home)

August 13

- Playdate with Fraser at Withrow Park
- Splash pond and playground

Monday, April 16, 2007

Battle of the Shed

Jedis and light sabers a plenty...

Kieran's 4th Quarter of 2006 - Video

Some snippets of Kieran from late 2006: